Movies to see in January

There’s lengthy periods over the course of each year where not a single movie that comes out even so much as catches my attention long enough to read a one-sentence synopsis. But when I was paging through the magazine of our local movie theater I saw eight (EIGHT!) movies that I’d like to see – and they’re all being released (in Germany) in January! I’d say that is a good start for 2013, in terms of movies. I don’t actually expect all of them to be good, I’m just saying they sound interesting and might be worth a shot.

Here they are:
Zero Dark Thirty (politics, Osama Bin Laden, torture, morality)
Movie 43 (ensemble cast, likely hilarious for all the wrong reasons)
Silver Linings Playbook (rom-com)
The Impossible (tsunami, survival, gut-wrenching I expect)
Flight (air planes, Denzel Washington)
Rust and Bone (French)
Lincoln (history, politics, dialogue heavy)
Gangster Squad (Ryan Gosling in old-timey suits)

Refer to parentheses for reasons as to why you, too, should see those films.

Any movies to add to the list that you’re looking forward to in 2013? Any favorites from last year that I should watch?